The Struggle of Feeling Alone and Overwhelmed I was as alone as I had ever felt. The IV machine beeped, and the hallway lights were dim. Nurses and patient techs moved quietly across the corridors with their rubber-soled shoes while I sat silently at my son’s bedside. I missed my husband, my kids, and my […]
The Struggle of Feeling Alone and Overwhelmed I was as alone as I had ever felt. The IV machine beeped, and the hallway lights were dim. Nurses and patient techs moved quietly across the corridors with their rubber-soled shoes while I sat silently at my son’s bedside. I missed my husband, my kids, and my […]
The garden was nothing out of the ordinary. It was the early 1960s and my grandmother was a young wife and mom. As such, she spent countless hours in the kitchen as she prepared meals for her family and washed the resulting dishes. She could see her neighbor’s garden from the kitchen window. It turned […]
The blue duffel bag sat unattended and unnoticed in my husband’s office for a solid week. He is notorious for taking his sweet time unpacking suitcases after a trip. I’m the person who immediately takes bags to the bedroom and returns toiletries to their rightful place so that everything is in order. My husband has […]
Holiday traditions are important to my family. I must admit, this makes me happy. In a world where I fight with YouTube or TikTok for my teenagers’ attention I will happily take their interest in baking cookies and decorating the tree. Most years it is a struggle to carve out a few hours of time […]