I've found that God's word renews my heart for this labor of love, and I'm passionate about helping you experience the same!

I'm here to help you find strength and security in God's promises as you do the hard & holy work of caregiving.

about me

The hospital room was silent except for the occasional beeping of the IV pump.  My son slept, and for this, I was grateful. I was exhausted, out of fuel, and running low on hope. I felt completely buried under a mountain of worry and uncertainty. 

Finally, I cried. 

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t heal my son, and I couldn’t heal my heart.

Silent tears streamed 
down my face as I surrendered. 

For so long, I kept trying to take care of everything for everyone. 
If only I work harder and give more of myself, I thought:  “I can fix this situation.” Self-reliance was the name of the game, and I was losing.

For so long, I kept trying to take care of everything for everyone.  If only I work harder and give more of myself, I thought:  “I can fix this situation.” Self-reliance was the name of the game, and I was losing.

Through the tears and surrender, God called me back to the beginning. He whispered,

“Start with the Word and find the truth."

That night, I began a journey of rediscovering my identity in Christ and learning to care for myself while caring for others.

And now it's your turn. Friend, you deserve to be supported and encouraged, and I'm here to help!


I moved from feeling spiritually depleted to abundant in hope by rediscovering God's love and intentionality in creating me. 

hello there. I'm amy chastain.


Meet  the Family

I live in Marietta, GA with my husband, children, and the laziest golden retriever on the planet. My two oldest daughters are off to college. The younger two kids are in their sophomore year of high school and are keeping me busy! As the caregiver extraordinaire in my family, I help with pretty much anyone in my circle who needs care. I’ve helped give care to my grandmother as she lost her sight and mobility, my mother-in-law after her stroke and seizures, and my father-in-law as he battled Alzheimer’s Disease.

In my spare time (ha!)  I volunteer with my church, hang out with friends, read, and hike. I also treasure downtime and am known to enjoy a good glass of red wine with a sunset view.

  • I can sing the alphabet backward.

  • I make an AMAZING carrot cake.

  • I have a soft spot for simple traditions. We have pink heart-shaped pancakes for Valentine's Day, and we celebrate the first day of school with a special breakfast of scrambled eggs and sparkling cider served in champagne flutes. We toast to the new school year.

Fun Facts

In my monthly blog post, I meet you where you are in your real life, with real love and a dash of entertainment because sometimes laughter is the best medicine.

Encouragement for Caregivers

Find the Strength & Renewal You Need to Keep Going.

Dive into biblical encouragement for caregivers:

Enter into God's rest with Peace for the Caregiver, a 5-Day devotional that features journal prompts and printable verse cards for a quick dose of encouragement and truth. 

Find Peace with This 5-Day Devotional

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