Look to the Lord: Finding Focus in Life’s Chaos

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The classroom was in absolute chaos. The rowdy group of 3-year-olds bounced around the room like pieces in a pinball game. I took a deep breath and announced, “Okay class, let’s return to our seats on the rug.” One of the eight children glanced my way, but the other seven didn’t even break stride. “Turn your running feet into tiptoeing feet and make your way back to the circle,” gained me one additional listener. Finally, in exasperation, I pulled out the tried and true, “CLAP, CLAP, CLAP, one – two – three, eyes on me!”

Now I had their attention.


The Power of Focus

Just like those young children, who waited and listened for their teacher’s directions, we often know we’re supposed to keep our eyes on the LORD, but we get distracted. It’s hard to walk in obedience if we’ve forgotten His instructions or ignored His guidance. Children see the new toy or the colorfully wrapped candy bar, and they tend to react spontaneously. Delayed gratification isn’t part of a preschooler’s skill set.


Staying Focused on What Matters

We’re supposed to be mature, wise, and solid in our faith. So why is it so easy to take our eyes off the eternally important in favor of chasing after lesser things? We stray a short distance, and before we know it, we can feel far from God. We may not get distracted by games and candy—but a diagnosis or injury, well, those things can cause us to stumble. I’ve found it difficult to be obedient when it seems like the path laid out before me is one of hardship.


Facing Life’s Challenges

 I don’t want to walk towards Alzheimer’s, surgery, or the frailties of old age. But I’ve found that as I turn my head away from the hard thing in front of me, I’m often also turning away from the LORD. Have you perhaps done the same? Are you in a place where the challenges before you seem immense and you feel like you can’t shoulder your responsibilities alone? There’s good news, friend: you aren’t meant to walk this road by yourself. Jesus is still there with you—just turn around and look at Him.


A Call to Seek His Face

“Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.” – 1 Chronicles 16:11

We would do well to remember this scripture. We are to look to the LORD and seek Him. We are told to seek His face—always. We should look to Him in good times and bad, when we are confident and when we are scared, when we are hopeful and when we are despondent. Jesus is always there, waiting for us with patience and compassion. When you are turned around, lost, or confused, seek His face. Look to the One who loves you and ask for His help. He will not let you down.



Closing Prayer

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” – Matthew 7:7-8

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your eternal presence and Your abiding love. We desire to walk in obedience. Help us remember to seek You always. We cannot wander too far away from You to be rescued. Your love pursues us even when we turn away. May our eyes look always toward You so that we may follow Your commands. Amen.

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