Obedience Starts with Love

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My child stood in front of me, a miniature drone dangling from her scalp. Just a few minutes after our New Year’s Eve celebration, this is how we were starting the new year. I had barely crawled into bed when a timid knock on my door interrupted the silence. My son, the drone pilot, sheepishly led the way into my room. He was followed by his long-haired sister, who wasn’t quite in tears yet but was clearly contemplating her predicament.

I had given very clear instructions about the drone: “Do not fly it near people!” My son laughed off my warning, insisting there was no way he would crash the drone into anyone, and even if he did, it wouldn’t hurt. “Look,” he said, as he demonstrated by hitting his own hand with the propeller blades, “it’s fine.”

Fine indeed. And here we were: the drone had tangled itself in my daughter’s hair, stuck tight. They both stood before me, wide-eyed—my daughter anxious, my son unequipped. He understood now that he should have followed my directions but had no idea how to fix the problem.


Decisions and Directions

 We often find ourselves at a crossroads in life, making decisions not only for ourselves but often for our loved ones. It can be confusing and overwhelming. The good news is, God gives us clear instructions. When we follow what He says, we live in the freedom of His truth, not in the shadow of misguided actions.

We know the Word of God is true, and that’s a solid foundation when we feel lost. The next step? Applying that truth to our lives. How do we live the Truth? By being obedient to the Lord.


The Power of Obedience 

“Obedience” can be an intimidating word for many of us. It may stir up images of punishment or lack of choice. But in obedience to the Lord, we find comfort and reassurance. The Bible provides numerous examples of how we can be obedient: loving the Lord, loving our neighbor, praying, and trusting in Him. This week, we’ll focus on the first step of obedience—loving God and loving others.

Let’s turn to scripture to understand this further. In Matthew, we see how Jesus highlights the importance of love:

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your
neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
—Matthew 22:36–40 (NIV)



Love in Action

 Loving God and loving your neighbor may sound simple, but we know love isn’t just a warm feeling—it’s faith put into action. As caregivers, we understand this firsthand. When you stop to administer medicine on time, you show love. When you sit in a surgical waiting room and pray, you show love. When you spoon-feed your father, you show love. You, my friend, are quite practiced at loving your neighbor as yourself.

But even though we may practice love, we sometimes fall short. When we don’t put God’s directions into practice, we can feel distanced from Him and from the good things He has for us. We feel anxious when we should feel peace. We feel alone, even though Jesus is near. We feel unequipped when all we need to do is ask for help.


Have You Been There?

Have you experienced the consequences of going your own way instead of obeying God’s Word? As a mother, I give my children instructions for their good and the good of those around them. I want them to live safe, happy lives—without getting drones stuck in their hair! Mission accomplished on that one, thankfully.

Now imagine how much more our Heavenly Father desires for us. He has blessed us with scripture that teaches us how to obey Him. When we follow His commands, we show our love for Him. We are called to love Him with all our heart, all our soul, and all our mind. Obedience to the Lord is an act of love.


The Word as Our Guide

God’s Word is a powerful weapon against the lies we may believe when life gets tough. We may feel unloved or abandoned, but His Word tells us the truth: we are loved beyond measure, and He will never leave us. Obeying Him is the path to safety and security.

If you’re feeling lost and don’t know where to start, begin with love.


“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
—1 Corinthians 13:4–7 (NIV)


A Prayer for Obedience

 Heavenly Father, thank You for Your holy Word. Help us obey You with confidence and joy in our hearts. We desire to apply Your Word to our lives and find freedom in Your Truth. Be with us as we walk the road of caregiving, loving You and loving others. Send Your Holy Spirit with us as we minister to the sick and the hurting. We love You.

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