Community in the Chaos

The blue duffel bag sat unattended and unnoticed in my husband’s office for a solid week. He is notorious for taking his sweet time unpacking suitcases after a trip. I’m the person who immediately takes bags to the bedroom and returns toiletries to their rightful place so that everything is in order. My husband has […]

It’s in the Bag

Community in the Chaos

Posts 04

Days like today make me think of my Granddad.  He was a laid back and jolly guy, but even he had his limits.  I was blessed to live near him when I was growing up.  My siblings and I spent hours on end at my grandparents’ house.  I’d like to think we were generally well-behaved.  […]

Out Like a Lamb

Community in the Chaos

Posts 04

I’ve lived in Georgia for 15 years, but Texas is home.  Texas is where I learned how to ride a bike, how to write in cursive, how to drive.  It’s where I had my first job, my first love, my first college football game. I grew up there.  It is where I learned how to […]

The Stars at Night

Community in the Chaos

Posts 04

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