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hero 04

  Traveling with four children is a challenge.  I feel fairly sure that you will all agree with me.  I face different challenges now than I did when they were babies, but it can be a struggle just the same.  I have two words for you: table manners.  Don’t laugh. This was a minor problem […]

Tea and Crumpets and Thugs, Oh My!

Real Life

Posts 04

Have you ever come across something so startling that you did a double-take? This happened to my recently. My grandmother gave me the finger.  On social media no less.  To be fair, I knew immediately that she did not intend to comment to a Facebook post about my family with an obscene gesture.  It was […]

My Grandmother Gave Me the Finger

Real Life

Posts 04

We all like pretty things. Don’t believe me? Check an Instagram feed.  We surround ourselves with carefully curated beauty. It’s not a bad thing to enjoy beauty. I actually believe it is built into us to search for it.  We notice sunsets and mountaintops.  We look to the ocean and the night sky and we feel amazed […]

The Beautiful Ugly

Fruits of the Spirit

Posts 04

Words matter.  We all know this.  I suspect we all repeat the lesson over and over.  We know we should control our words, so why do they run away with us so often?  We teach our children to use their words not their hands.  But I’m wondering if I have imparted any wisdom to my […]

Words Matter

Fruits of the Spirit

Posts 04

Have you ever had the feeling that you can’t win?  That no good deed goes unpunished?  That’s how this week has rolled at my house.  My daughter sent the opening salvo.  I was working at the computer the other day when she came into the house.  My back was to her.  My older daughter exclaimed, […]

Running in Circles

Fruits of the Spirit

Posts 04

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